


When you did nothing but it still hurt that way



Wednesday, April 14, 2010

This would be a real task for us.
We been through real friendship and hatre parts.
We know each other's characteristic.
And there's always a way to be good.
Keep Calm and avoid whatever bads to be happen.

I've been thinking about this.
Who am I today?
Someone seem to be angry for I am not telling her about the incident.
Nevermind , I would accept whatever reaction/respond from you guys.
Does that really a matter ?
Should I really go and tell the wholeeeeee world that WE're now 'okay'? patch?

Why couldn't she understand everyone have their own personal stuff to deal with.
That would only bring shamefulxx to oneself if they couldn't keep their own secret.


I am on my way .. I would decide to walk or to run.
Like Yuu said , I had let go something I bear for a long time on my shoulder.
Now I feel much more better.

Is that wrong?
Nevermind , I would just hug her or kiss her ..or else be very close like lover with her.
Shoot me back if you beh song. D;


You know I always love you
For a long time
the perfect love.

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