An Addiction to Edit pictures :)
although it just some low profile editor i use.
Last Sunday` I went for basketball ... It's been so long that I never play this sport >:
Like half year above.
Then my body ache for few days after that.
Wanna go for it again this Sunday!
Slam Dunk!
I got mad for some reason then end up listening Riverside.
This is the reason ---
skype =/
I wanna get another pair - white colour but too bad no one exchange with me
so it can be yin yang colour xD
I felt better after Piggy Head called me for a talk. (: It's like an hour.
Then I took some picture, being so perasan. Ngekngek
I rmb piggy head said something like " Chee Paranoid " to Ruth. LOL
I took some picture of this [Sorry] word.
Don't have any idea, but just want to apologize.
There's few so I end up choosing this for editing cause there's this little rabbit =P
*hug* the SORRY.
Then I realized I used only half of the paper.
so I decided to write something common - ILY.
There's a Greyish picture`
that you said you like the colour
Then i actually like this picture with cyan colour :x
Here it show
There's only a few chapter left and I read it before I sleep (:
Finally. Finish the whole book`
Like 10 pages only I bu she de read last time =x
Finally. Finish the whole book`
Like 10 pages only I bu she de read last time =x
Dedicated to this girl here (:
I hope you don't complain for the noise effect,
I purposely made it one. Ha
A Smile for today
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