yoyo! It's sooooo boringgg now~
Today after tuition classes.. Sy, Pk & I went to Sg.wang
Then I asked pk to call CheeMun.. we met together
Then we went to watch the Highstreet5 competition~ lolx
around 3.40..Sy backed home and left 3 of us.. wuu
Then CheeMun called "xiao wen li ming" who work at the shop which opposite my tuition area!
lolx They looked like couple but they're nt
lame... If David know.. CheeMun will be very cham haha just jk
4 ppls We joked and laugh .. that guy really funny!
Around 6.. I reach home then rest
1930- I sang in my room 2030 - I studied for my Maths exam~ Others leave it away~~~~
Cool man~! see what will I get in my Sj exam..must be fail again XD
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